For Immediate Release
Posted: July 20, 2020


New Hampshire Department of Education
6032710448 |

DOE publishes stakeholder surveys

Listening to NH on how to go back to school safely

CONCORD- The New Hampshire Department of Education has published the results of four stakeholder surveys conducted as part of the School Transition, Reopening, and Redesign Task Force (STRRT).

“Through its Stakeholder Surveys, STRRT listened to the concerns of more than 56,000 Granite Staters, including roughly half of our state’s educators,” said Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut. “This feedback helped the taskforce craft its recommendations on how to safely return to school in September.”

The Stakeholder Survey results are posted in interactive spreadsheets on the STRRT home page and includes results from:
•    Instructional Staff Survey  (11,808 responses)
•    School or District Leader Survey  (1,041 responses)
•    Student Wellness Provider Survey  (1,234 responses)
•    Parent Survey  (41,910 responses)