General Information & Resources

Below please find links to Assessment resources

VLACS students have the opportunity to take statewide assessments (e.g., NH SAS, SAT School Day with Essay) at their local school district. The Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS) is an online chartered public school serving students in Kindergarten - grade 12. Full-time VLACS students are expected to participate in the annual statewide assessments.Please review the process below, which includes an additional document with information provided by VLACS.

2024-2025 Assessment Newsletters

Participation Requirements

All students must participate in grade-level assessments that correspond with the grade in which they are reported in the NHED i4see student management system. If a student is able to receive instruction, then they are able to participate in the statewide assessment. It is the responsibility of the district to provide timely notification to the parents/guardians of students which statewide assessment(s) will be administered and the timeline for administration.

Assessment Exemptions

  • Significant Medical Emergency Waiver

    All public school and chartered public school students are expected to participate in the New Hampshire statewide assessments; however, there may be rare and unique circumstances in which a student is unable to participate in one or more assessments because of a significant medical emergency. In these cases, school administration may apply for a medical emergency waiver.

    A Significant Medical Emergency Waiver is a request for a statewide assessment exemption on behalf of a student due to medical reasons that prevents the student from receiving instruction and participating in statewide assessments that extends across the entire or remaining testing window. This form includes exemptions for medical emergency/serious illness, emotional trauma, and death in the family.

    The school district manages the completion and submits the Significant Medical Emergency Waiver to the New Hampshire Department of Education for approval via the Assessment Roster in the i4see system. For additional information, refer to Technical Assistance: Documenting Testing Exceptions for the Statewide Assessments.

  • English Learner Domain Exemption—ACCESS Test Only

    In rare cases, an English learner may have a disability that precludes assessment of the student in one or more of the required language domains (listening, speaking, reading, or writing) such that there are no appropriate accommodations for the affected domain(s). This special exemption must be documented in the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan

    If this is the case, the student’s IEP or 504 team may request a domain exemption via the online reporting feature in the i4see system. For additional information, refer to Technical Assistance: Documenting Testing Exceptions for the Statewide Assessments.

Parent Opt-Out

New Hampshire state law permits a parent/legal guardian to opt their student from participating in the annual statewide assessments. School districts ensure that a form is made available for parents or legal guardians to complete and sign if they wish to opt their student out of testing. A school district may use this parent opt-out form template; Spanish version of parent opt-out form template.

If a parent/legal guardian opts-out their student, the school district and parent must agree upon an alternative educational activity during the testing period. It is recommended that the agreed upon activity is written on the parent opt-out form that will be signed by the parent/legal guardian and school administrator, along with an acknowledgement statement that the student will not receive an individual score or summary of academic performance based on the statewide assessment.