New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System
The New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System (NH SAS) is the state's general summative assessment for students in grades 3-8 and 11. Students participate in the NH SAS, unless they qualify for the alternate assessment. NH SAS is given in each spring to measure student knowledge and skills in English language arts (grades 3-8), mathematics (grades 3-8), and science (grades 5, 8, and 11).
- NH SAS Portal - Educators and families can access resources for NH SAS, the general summative assessment
- Updated: NH SAS Interim and Modular Assessments Flyer - NHED staff is available to work with school districts to help maximize the use of interim and modular assessments and analyze the data.
- NH SAS Performance Levels and Scaled Score Ranges provides the scaled score ranges in each performance level for ELA, mathematics, and science.
- NH SAS Practice Tests provide an opportunity for students, families, educators, and other stakeholders to experience the features of online testing.
- Family Portal allows families to view assessment results. To access the Family Portal, each family needs an Access Code that is unique to their child. Access codes are provided by the child's school. The Family Portal Training presentation provides instructions on how schools can retrieve Access Codes for families.
- Lexile® and Quantile® Measures in New Hampshire help educators and parents target instruction and monitor student growth by using the free tools and resources available.
- NHED Guidance on Test Session Duration
- Requirements for Administering the NH SAS
- Waiver Request Form for Non-Credentialed Staff to Proctor the NH SAS
- Updated for 2024-2025 School Year: NH SAS Accessibility Guide provides guidance to school-level personnel and decision-making teams to use in determining universal tools, designated supports and accommodations for students prior to testing. If a student requires an accommodation that is not listed in the Accessibility Guide, please submit a Help Desk ticket providing a description of the accommodations/supports that the student requires for testing.
- NH SAS Accessibility Features Checklist:
- Scribe Protocol
- Read Aloud Protocol - Updated