Security Action for Education (SAFE) Grant

The Security Action for Education (SAFE) Grant was established in 2022. This fund supports school security and safety improvements for K-12 schools throughout New Hampshire.

On Feb. 21, 2024, the Governor and Executive Council approved the third round of SAFE grants. Following a recommendation from the Public School Infrastructure Commission, a total of $9,861,447 was allocated to improve access control, emergency alerting and surveillance at 167 schools. Further, a waitlist of school security projects has been approved and remains in place should additional funding become available. The third round of SAFE grants closed on November 30, 2023.  The department received 630 applications for projects totaling $21 million. 

SAFE GRANT Round Three 

Round Three Approved Projects

Round Three Waitlist

Here’s what you need to know about the SAFE Grant Round Three:

  • We have accepted $21 Million in requests for the third round of the SAFE grant program.
  • All schools that did not receive an award in Round 1 or Round 2 and submitted a new eligible application in Round Three, were prioritized by the PSI Commission.
  • $6,216,464.85 of eligible applications were received from schools that did not receive an award in Round 1 or Round 2.  Another $ 3,451,737.83 of eligible applications were received by 10/30/2023  3:27:09 PM
  • Schools will receive grant agreements and GMS access in the first week of March.
  • Awards will be managed in the NHED's Grant Management System (see GMS tips below).

Tips for GMS:

  • When filling in your project information in GMS, please remember to select a Category (Access Control, Emergency Alerting, or Surveillance) from the Category drop-down menu. Your category must match the category you entered on your application. 
  • Under "Priorities," please enter your project description. Your project description must be entered exactly as you wrote in your application. You will find the description in your answer to number 8 on the application. 
  • It is important that your project description in GMS is exactly the same as your description in number 8 of the application since that answer was approved for funding. If you write something different, there is no guarantee that it is approved or reimbursable and your application will be returned for correction. 
  • Email Chris Armatys with any questions or concerns at

History of security grant funding:

  • Public School Infrastructure Commission has been established in FY18.
  • Subsequently, in FY18 and FY19, $28.7 million of state funds from the Public School Infrastructure Fund became available to K-12 public district schools and chartered public schools.
  • Round 1 was funded in FY22 and FY23 with unspent FY18 and FY19 funds, as well as an additional $2 million state appropriation, for a total of $3.9 million from the Public School Infrastructure Fund. This grant was available to K-12 public district schools and chartered public schools. A list of the recipients may be found at SAFE Grant Awards – Round One (Early Decision)   
  • Round 2 was funded in FY23 with $10 million of federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) with though the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR). This grant was available to K-12 public district schools, chartered public schools, and nonpublic schools. A list of the recipients may be found at SAFE Grant Awards – Round Two
  • Round 3 will be funded in FY24 with $10 million of state funds from the Public School Infrastructure Fund (RSA 198:15-y). This grant will be available to K-12 public district schools and chartered public schools.
  • In addition, an extra $4.6 million in grants were awarded in FY24 to 21 public school districts as part of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Stronger Connections grant program
  • The timeline of NHED/HSEM Security Grants Timeline may be viewed at NHED/HSEM Security Grants Timeline.


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