Title V, Part B- Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS)

The purpose of the Rural and Low-Income School program is to provide rural districts with financial assistance for initiatives aimed at improving student achievement. Funding allowability includes activities authorized under Titles I-IV of the ESEA, as well as parental involvement activities.




Request for Public Comment

The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) seeks public input on the following:

NHED seeks approval from the U.S. Department of Education for a Tydings waiver for the period of FY 2021 Title V, Part B, Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS) awarded under Section 5202 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended, until September 30, 2026. This request to extend the obligation period is submitted pursuant under section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA). This permits NHED in accordance with criteria it develops, to expend the remaining FY 2021 awarded balance related to this waiver request.

Approval will allow the department to continue focusing on providing rural districts with financial assistance for initiatives aimed at improving student achievement. Specifically, the waiver is needed so that NHED is able to award those funds to the FY 2024 RLIS Hold Harmless local educational agencies (LEAs) and so that those LEAs may obligate the funds. NHED is requesting the waiver to extend the period of availability of the FY 2021 RLIS funds until September 30, 2026, to align the performance period of the FY 2021 funds with the FY 2024 funds that the Hold Harmless LEAs have already received.

If the amendment seeking an extension of the obligation period is approved, NHED will continue to monitor the use of these federal funds in accordance with state and federal requirements.

Please submit comments or questions to ESEA@doe.nh.gov by January 1, 2025. These comments will be included in the submission to the U.S. Department of Education.