State Board Member James Fricchione

Biography of State Board of Education Member James Fricchione.


James (Jim) Fricchione - term expires 1/31/27
Windham, NH
(617) 921-7949 

Jim Fricchione is a steadfast advocate for educational choice and parental rights in New Hampshire. Prior to being nominated by Governor Sununu to the State Board of Education, he volunteered in support of several statewide educational initiatives. 

Jim founded The Windham Academy - a Chartered Public School, now serving approximately 400 students from more than 21 different New Hampshire communities. Jim also helped open various other new schools such as Lionheart Academy in Peterborough, NH, and NorthStar Academy in Ossipee, NH. All told, these new schools will impact and serve more than 1,500 New Hampshire families and students. 

He has repeatedly volunteered with the New Hampshire Department of Education in such roles as guest speaker, peer reviewer and advisor on new school efforts. 

Jim was also a founding member of the New Hampshire Charter School Foundation, a collection of like-minded professionals helping New Hampshire’s Charter Schools to become sustainable and flourish. 

He led the effort in partnership with the Community College System of New Hampshire’s Chancellor - revising and reinvigorating the NH Career Academy initiative. A tuition free college pathway for deserving New Hampshire high school students.

Jim has also volunteered on local municipal boards such as Windham Planning Board as an alternate, and Windham Forestry Committee. His love of the outdoors was rewarded with a previous appointment by town selectmen as the Steward of the Bayberry (now MacIlvaine) Forest Preserve.

Professionally, he has held various national executive and board roles throughout his career and is currently working with Lucid Diagnostics to launch an innovative pre cancer screening nationally.  

He currently lives in Windham, New Hampshire with his three teenage boys.