For Immediate Release
Date: February 17, 2021


New Hampshire Department of Education
6032710448 |

New Federal Guidance Related to the Operation of NH Schools

“Given the comprehensive and successful efforts by NH schools to safely provide in-school instruction, we do not anticipate a change in the New Hampshire school guidance at this time.”

Concord - Below is a Statement from Dr. Benjamin Chan, State Epidemiologist, NH Department of Health and Human Services and Frank Edelblut, Commissioner, NH Department of Education, on new federal guidance related to the operation of NH Schools:

“The New Hampshire guidance and approach to in-school instruction has proven to be effective at allowing students across the state the in-person learning they need while limiting the spread of COVID-19 inside school facilities.

“The CDC’s new educational phased mitigation guidance and suggested testing strategy would place unnecessary barriers to in-person learning. New Hampshire K-12 schools have shown that they can conduct in-person learning effectively with implementation of the core mitigation measures recommended since the opening of schools last summer/fall, including incorporating physical distancing to the extent possible in school and classroom operations, managing student cohorts, face mask use, hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfection of commonly touched surfaces, and prioritized contact tracing when a person with COVID-19 is identified in schools. Additionally, testing for any staff or student who develops new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 remains recommended and widely available throughout the State, with testing prioritized for students and school staff. With community metrics on the decline, NH schools have the resources they need to offer in-person education.

“Given the comprehensive and successful efforts by NH schools to safely provide in-school instruction, we do not anticipate a change in the New Hampshire school guidance at this time. The New Hampshire Grades K-12 Back To School Guidance (Updated January 2021) and Considerations for Transitioning Between School Instructional Models Based on Level of Community COVID-19 Transmission and Impact on Local Schools (Updated January 26, 2021) continue to reflect the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education guidance to safely operate schools in New Hampshire. There are also many additional resources on the School Resource page. Should you need any additional guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Departments.

“Our gratitude to teachers, administrators, staff, parents and students for all the work that you are doing to help ensure safe, in-person learning environments across New Hampshire.