Contact Us

How to contact the New Hampshire Department of Education.
Please note, due to construction, the New Hampshire Department of Education’s offices located in Londergan Hall at 101 Pleasant Street have relocated for the next year to 25 Hall Street (Granite State College building) in Concord. The Department’s offices of Vocational Rehabilitation and Social Security Disability Determination remain located in the Walker Building at 21 S. Fruit Street in Concord.


For questions regarding student loan repayment or forgiveness, please visit Federal Student Aid or call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243.


State of New Hampshire

Department of Education

25 Hall Street

Concord NH 03301

General Inquiries

(603) 271-3494

Educator Licensure and Credentialing

To contact the New Hampshire Department of Education’s Bureau of Credentialing, please utilize their online help desk

If you are unfamiliar with using the online help desk, please review the step-by-step instructional guide. Please note, when using this guide with the above help desk link, you can skip to step three. 

Closed School Transcripts

Complaints and Concerns

Data Requests

Home Education

Press Inquiries

Right to Know Requests

State Board of Education

Staff Directory

Vocational Rehabilitation Programs and Services

Vocational Rehabilitation Regional Offices