
New Hampshire's school data transparency portal.

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Welcome to the New Hampshire Department of Education's iPlatform 9.75 for education data stories from schools/districts. This portal includes a broad and expanding range of information to create the opportunity for community conversations. To help you navigate through the iPlatform tools, please refer to our iPlatform Training and Resources area. For best viewing purposes, access the following links in Chrome, Safari, or Edge. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for in iPlatform, please complete a Data Request Form.

iAchieve - NEW

An online dashboard that includes Assessment Participation, Proficiency and Growth, Achievement Levels, and ESSA Indicators, designed to help educators make data-driven decisions and improve student outcomes.  The Assessment Participation section displays participation rates and identifies areas of concern. Proficiency and Growth tracks student performance over time to identify areas for additional support. Achievement Levels shows the percentage of students meeting expectations, while ESSA Indicators provide a holistic view of student progress in relation to ESSA requirements.


An interactive ESSER dashboard that highlights various data such as allocations, spending information, and paid reimbursements by school districts. This dashboard also showcases the top activities where districts are spending their ESSER funds. The data within this dashboard is pulled directly from the NHED grants management system (GMS), and updates weekly. iGrant is a great resource to provide a snapshot of the actual ESSER spending for each school. More information, definitions, and resources can be found within the dashboard. 

iReport - NEW

Includes static information about individual schools and school districts that comprises the accountability data elements included in the New Hampshire federal accountability plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act. This is a great source to get a quick snapshot of a particular school or district.

iExplore - NEW

Includes more dynamic information about individual schools and comparative tools between schools, districts, and state level information. More advanced comparisons are made between data with drill down capability. At this point, iExplore is driven by 15 identified data elements. This list will continue to grow as the NH DOE adds additional exploration metrics, helping communities explore and engage in discussions about education in their communities. iExplore is a great source for more in-depth analysis of what’s going on in a school, district, or across the state.

Data Reports

Reports on student counts, racial statistics, teacher counts, school building information, financial data on the school districts in the form of budgets and financial statements.


An online reference tool that provides definitions and explanations for academic and educational terminology throughout iPlatform. It is designed to assist students, parents, educators, and researchers using any of the iPlatform tools. iGlossary is organized alphabetically, making it easy to navigate, and each entry is written in clear and concise language.


Includes a data dictionary for iPlatform. Education has a lot of acronyms and very specific data elements. This is a great place to go to better understand the nature of the data you might encounter in the other parts of the website.


This platform provides a search engine to explore all DOE-25 financial documents submitted by New Hampshire school districts. 

iReport Translation Support 

See the following documents on how to request translations for iReport: 

Static Data Reports and Archived Profiles