Higher Education in New Hampshire

The Division of Educator Support and Higher Education provides administrative support to the Higher Education Commission (HEC). The Division does not provide financial aid and relies upon its partners for this support. The Division also provides oversight of private postsecondary institutions and Veterans State Approvals for all educational programs.


Status of Postsecondary Education in NH


Choosing a College or University

Find links and resources below for current and potential college students, both in-state and out-of-state students looking at schools in the Granite State.

There are four reasons students choose a particular college or university: location, academic major, size, and cost. While students can find this information on a website, it may not provide them with a sense of "institutional fit." For this reason, it is essential that students visit schools, talk to professors, see the student body, and get a sense for the school location. Colleges and universities also want an "institutional fit" as those students who "fit" are more likely to be successful.

With the importance of education in today’s competitive market, attending a college or university that has met basic quality standards is essential. And with more and more new educational opportunities available, it is important for students to exercise consumer awareness.

Grants and Scholarships - Financial Resources

Choosing a Career Path

Complaint Resolution Procedures

Dr. Nicholas Marks, Administrator

Higher Education



Federal regulations require that each state have a process to review and appropriately act upon three types of student complaints: consumer protection, approval/licensure, and quality of education. The Division of Educator Support and Higher Education, under New Hampshire statutes and Administrative Rules, is responsible for reviewing such allegations.

Exceptions: Dartmouth College, the Community College System of New Hampshire, and the University System of New Hampshire. (See details below.)

Before students submit a complaint to this Division, they must first contact the appropriate official(s) at the institution they are attending (or attended), and follow the grievance procedures outlined in that institution’s catalog and Web site.  If an individual continues to have an allegation against any college, university, or postsecondary career school (higher education institution) operating within the state, s/he should file a complaint using the complaint form linked below. 

The Division will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, and if the matter is within defined statutory authority, take appropriate action.

The Division does not intervene in the internal procedures of higher-education institutions, but does, however, respond to allegations that raise significant questions about the institution’s compliance with the NH Code of Administrative Rules:  

  • Chapter Hedc 400 (Degree-Granting Higher Education Institutions With A Physical Presence In New Hampshire)
  • Chapter Hedc 300 (Office of Career School Licensing).

If the allegation is applicable to a program that is approved for veterans’ educational benefits, then compliance with the applicable Federal statutes and regulations (Title 38) shall be reviewed.

If the nature of the matter is not within Division authority, the complainant will be advised to contact the proper authority.

Complete the complaint form at bottom of this page if you have contacted the institution and have a continued complaint regarding consumer protection, approval/licensure, and/or quality of education at:

  • a NH degree-granting private institution.
  • a NH non-degree granting career school (Learn more about the Division’s career school policies).
  • Dartmouth College, a NH public community college or a NH public university or college (all complaints against these institutions will be reviewed and referred to the proper authorities). Note: these institutions are typically exempt from regulatory oversight of the Division, and as a result complaints received by the Division regarding these institutions will almost always be referred directly to the governing board of the subject institution. Exceptions include complaints from online, out-of-state students and complaints from students that have served, or are serving, in the U.S. Armed Forces.
  • a distance or online education program offered by a NH-based, degree- granting institution and you are an out-of-state student: Note: These complaints fall under NH’s participation in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA).

If you have served, or are serving, in the U.S. Armed Forces, please contact the New Hampshire State Approving Agency via email at nhsaa.approvals@va.gov.

If you are a client of the NH Department of Education’s Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, please contact your counselor directly.

If you are not a current or former student and have a grievance, please fill out the complaint form below and we will determine if your complaint falls within Division authority.

Higher Education Complaint Form  

Note: You should receive a confirmation e-mail upon successful submission of the form. 

Higher Education Contact

Dr. Nicholas Marks, Administrator

Higher Education
