For Immediate Release
Date: June 03, 2022


Kim Houghton, Communications Administrator
(603) 513-3030 |

Reset. Let Go. Grow.

CONCORD, NH -- The New Hampshire Department of Education is excited to launch its new 603 Moment campaign – an initiative that will encourage New Hampshire parents and children to reconnect, destress, be present with those around them and spread some positivity. 

With so much pressure placed on grades, sports and extracurricular activities, youth and their parents are struggling to find time to take a break, reflect and enjoy the moment. We know that the COVID-19 pandemic only exacerbated this stress. The 603 Moment campaign will urge children, parents and caregivers to find a moment in their hectic schedules to hit pause on the clutter, avoid the busyness and truly connect with life and with each other. 

“Just like the #HomeHikeChallenge from the last two years, our #603Moment initiative seeks to help New Hampshire kids, parents, and families refocus and appreciate the little things in life,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Let’s channel these 603 Moments into positive change and renew important discussions on the importance of social and emotional health not just in our schools, but also in our communities.”

“A 603 Moment can occur on a walk or a lunch break, or perhaps it is a peaceful reflection while visiting a favorite place, or just a few deep breaths while in the midst of chaos,” said Frank Edelblut, commissioner of education. “The premise of the campaign is to urge both children and adults to make time to relax and enjoy the moment, which can help create a healthy balance – void of unnecessary pressures for children to over-achieve or simply cope with the pressures of everyday life. Our hope is that we can all spread a little positivity.”

As part of this initiative, residents will be encouraged to share their own 603 Moment on social media with the hashtag #603Moment. 

“Having spoken to almost 100,000 young people in 300 schools throughout New England during these last six years with the Dartmouth-Health REACT mental health awareness campaign, I realize how many students and adults are stressed and anxious. The 603 Moment campaign could not be more timely, nor more important. I am confident it will lead to larger community discussions and needed focus on social and emotional health,” said former Chief Justice John Broderick, who helped spearhead the initial concept for the 603 Moment campaign. 

Schools in New Hampshire currently have access to a range of resources, technical assistance, prevention training and professional development opportunities to support student mental health through NHED’s Office of Social and Emotional Wellness, and this will be another tool to assist in those efforts. State and federal funds supporting student wellness, specifically supporting the mental health of our students, reached more than $25 million this year, which does not include the unprecedented level of COVID relief funds also eligible to be used for this work. New Hampshire understands the importance of developing resilience among students and families to cope with the many pressures life can bring – even when there hasn’t been a pandemic.

The 603 Moment campaign will launch on June 3 during a special event at the New Hampshire Fisher Cats game, where Gov. Chris Sununu will throw the first pitch and formally launch the initiative. Small whiteboards will be distributed to patrons who will be encouraged to share their 603 Moment in writing.  

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