Press Release
VLACS offers free webinars for parents, students, and educators
Resources available as #NHLearnsRemotely
EXETER - VLACS, the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School, is offering a series of free webinars to help parents and students adapt to remote learning, and to help educators adapt to remote instruction and working remotely.
“I want to thank Steve Kossakoski and the team at VLACS,” said Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut. “They are New Hampshire’s experts on remote instruction and remote support. I’m am thrilled that they can share their expertise as New Hampshire tackles this unprecedented challenge.”
Tips for remote learners and their parents: Come learn some basic strategies for supporting your at home, remote students. Topics to be discussed: using the Zoom video conferencing app, the importance of consistency, communicating with school officials, designing space at home, and the importance of movement breaks.
Thursday, March 19, 7:00pm
Friday, March 20, 12:00pm
Monday, March 23, 7:00pm
Creating an Academic Helpdesk for Online Learners
Learn how to set-up and run an academic helpdesk to provide students with real-time support as they engage in remote learning. Topics will include set-up, providing access to students, tools to consider using, and staffing ideas. This can be a great resource for students to avoid the frustration of not being able to get support when needed when working remotely.
Thursday, March 19, 1:00pm
Friday, March 20, 9:30am
Tuesday, March 24, 10:00am
Thursday, March 26, 1:30pm
Essential Virtual Meeting Room Skills for Remote Instructors
As teachers and students move to remote learning, it will be essential that teachers learn to use online meeting software. We will use Zoom to discuss and demonstrate the tools and techniques that allow for effective instruction and support in a virtual meeting. Topics will range from basic features such as using microphones and video cameras to more advanced techniques of sharing screens, using whiteboards, and breakout rooms.
Thursday, March 19, 2:00pm
Friday, March 20, 2:00pm
Wednesday, March 25, 10:00am
Friday, March 27, 11:00am
Communicating with Remote Learners
With multiple weeks of remote instruction coming, what are the best strategies and helpful tips for communicating with remote learners. Topics will include various communication tools, how to support academic integrity remotely, the importance of regularity and consistency, how empathic communication can help you build relationships with your students, and how those relationships will help support your students now and upon return to school.
Thursday, March 19, 12:00pm
Friday, March 20, 10:00am
Monday, March 23, 1:00pm
Wednesday, March 25, 1:00pm
For more information, contact VLACS at (603) 778-2500.