About the Commissioner

Biography of New Hampshire Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut.

Commissioner Frank Edelblut

Frank Edelblut has served as the commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education since February of 2017, which makes him one of the longest serving commissioners in the country. That is saying something for someone who did not start their career anywhere near education.

Frank started his journey in life as a Certified Public Accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers. He then served as the Chief Financial Officer for a small public company before taking the entrepreneurial plunge and started a business that he ran for 18 years before exiting to a French company. At the time, the company was operating in 22 countries around the world. 

With time on his hands, he started doing early stage investing and became a state legislator before starting his current role.

Frank serves and has served on a number of boards, including the University System of New Hampshire, Council for Chief State School Officers and the National Assessment Governing Board. 

Frank holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Rhode Island and a master’s degree from the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He has been married for 38 years, has seven children and seven grandchildren. He describes this as, “Killing it!” 

He wants to see an education system that actually serves all children.


Frank Edelblut


Twitter: @NHEdCommr

Scheduling Requests

Angela Adams

(603) 271-3144
