Public Hearings

Public Hearings scheduled by the State Board of Education.

Legislative Rulemaking

Public Hearings scheduled by the State Board of Education for rules are in accordance with RSA 541-A:11. Testimony may be made in-person at the New Hampshire Department of Education, 25 Hall Street, Concord, NH 03301 or by submitting written testimony as outlined in the Rulemaking Notices linked below. It is encouraged when providing in-person oral testimony to also provide a written copy of that testimony to more accurately be reflected in the official record. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Shea at


Wednesday, August 14th, 2:00 p.m.

Ed 503.01 Requirements for Employment

Rulemaking Notice

Notice of Postponement

Written public comment period open until end of day Wednesday, August 21st


Thursday, September 12th, 12:00 p.m.

Ed 311 School Health Services

Rulemaking Notice

Written public comment period open until end of day Thursday, September 19th