Adult High School Diploma Programs

Adult high school diploma programs offer classes to earn credits to complete adult high school requirements and earn a diploma.

  • Classes can help adults looking to earn a diploma for a promotion, a job change, entry into college or the military.
  • Fees may vary for some classes, contact the center near you for details. 
  • Find an Adult High School program near you.

How the Diploma Program Works

  • The first step is an assessment of your high school credits.
  • A coordinator or counselor will look at your high school transcript to see how many credits you earned in high school.
  • Then you can make a plan to earn the remaining credits you need to graduate.
  • When you have completed the requirements, your adult high school diploma will be granted by the school district that sponsors the program.
  • Get more details by looking at New Hampshire Adult High School Requirements.

Classes for High School Graduates

  • Some adults who are high school graduates also take diploma classes as refresher courses
  • Others take diploma classes to meet college entry requirements, such as algebra and chemistry.