Preschool Special Education

New Hampshire is committed to providing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for children ages 3-5 with disabilities. By federal and state law, local school districts must work with families and community partners to identify and serve children who are eligible for special education and related services and ensure that services begin by the child's third birthday through age 22. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed for each eligible child based on that child's strengths and needs. Placements are based on the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and may include a public preschool/kindergarten, Head Start program, or the child's home. Sometimes, the placement is in a separate approved special education program or residential facility.

For Families of Preschoolers

For families with questions about their child’s development, or who are curious about the preschool special education services and options available in their local area. 

/who-we-are/division-of-learner-support/bureau-of-student-support/special-education/preschool/practitioners-preschool-special-education">For Practitioners of Preschool Special Education

For preschool special education personnel and professionals searching for updates, professional development, and resources. 

For Administrators of Preschool Special Education

For superintendents, preschool special education administrators, special education administrators, and elementary principals in districts.

Early Childhood Transitions

For families and practitioners curious about early childhood transitions, seeking resources, and how to support children and families throughout this process. Transitions include the transition from Family Centered Early Supports and Services (FCESS) to preschool special education and from preschool special education to kindergarten.


Utilize the Preschool Special Education Canvas Course as a resource containing information modules, links, and more to help support preschool special education.

Preschool Special Education Initiatives

The Race2K Project is funded by the NH Department of Education, Bureau of Student Support and is a project of the Parent Information Center. Race2K provides information, support, and technical assistance to school districts and others to improve outcomes for preschool children with disabilities and their families.


Alexa Simmons
Education Consultant
Preschool 619 Co-Coordinator