Professional Development and Training

An overview of the training and Professional Development offered by the Office of Training and Monitoring.

The New Hampshire Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education Support, Office of Training and Monitoring provides learning opportunities to Local Education Agencies and Special Education Private Providers in key special education topic areas at no cost.


Key Special Education Topics

Measurable Annual Goals

Participants will learn how to use the student information/evaluation data to write Present Levels of Performance of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLOAAFP –IEP Page 2). They will learn to use the pertinent student evaluation data combined with other current observation and assessment data to write present levels for each annual goal. They will learn what components need to be included in the writing of age –appropriate measurable annual goals and objectives based on each annual goal present level information; and how to write measurable annual IEP goals and objectives to help build the student skills so they can access, participate, and make progress in the general curriculum.

Audience: Special educators, administrators, and related service personnel

Length of Training: 2 hours

Minimum Participants: 5

A follow up work session is also available upon request; 1-2 hours in which staff bring their goals to work on or ask specific questions.

Written Prior Notice Guidance

This professional development for Written Prior Notice (WPN) was created with stakeholder input in response to district requests for the Bureau to provide guidance regarding the use of and the content of WPNs. This training utilizes IDEA regulations as a guide to remind participants of the intent of the WPN, when districts should use a WPN, and the required components of the form. The guidance document and model WPN form will be shared along with sample compliant WPNs.

Audience: Special educators, administrators

Length of Training: 2 hours

Minimum Participants: 5

Specially Designed Instruction

Participants will learn what specially designed instruction is as defined by IDEA and how it applies to students with disabilities. They will gain a practical understanding of specially designed instruction, and the means in which it can be delivered as a service to special education students. Additionally, participants will learn how it is merged into the IEP using the special education process in a sequential and cyclical manner beginning with using evaluation data to describe unique student needs based upon present levels of academic and function performance, then identifying specific areas of specially designed instruction incorporated into special education services combined with annual measurable goals and progress monitoring.

Audience: Special educators, administrators, and related service personnel

Length of Training: 2 Hours

Minimum Participants: 5

To Request a Training, please contact

GaetanMarie Fitgerald-Lacourse, Monitoring Program Assistant
Bureau of Special Education Support
25 Hall Street, Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-1577


Special Education Monitoring Trainings

Preschool Trainings


Alexa Simmons

NH Accessible Educational Materials Trainings (NHAEM)


Robin Budryk
(603) 271-0818

NHSEIS Trainings

NHSEIS trainings and webinars for Special Education Teachers, Office Professionals, and Personnel.


Brandy Quinn-Richards
(603) 271-2178

Office of Finance Trainings


Lisa Moody