For Immediate Release
Posted: December 18, 2018


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

High School Equivalency Certificate Fees Increasing In NH

Subtest costs will rise to $25 due to vendor increases; Department of Education will study how to reduce fees in the future.

CONCORD – The cost of New Hampshire’s high school equivalency test will increase on Jan. 1, 2019, to $25 per subtest. ETS, the nonprofit vendor that is contracted for the HiSET test, issued an increase due to a rise in publication, mailing, and scoring costs. In the Granite State, the exam is available in both computer- and paper-based formats. The last increase was in 2017 from $95 for the five subtests to $20 per subtest.

"Even though the testing fee is increasing, it's the New Hampshire Department of Education's goal to ensure that the certificate is affordable and accessible to all residents without a high school credential," said Frank Edelblut, the commissioner of the NH DOE. "To meet this goal, the department will be considering other models for funding the program.""

An individual must pass five subtests – English language arts, reading, math, social studies and science – to earn a New Hampshire High School Equivalency Certificate. The state has 29 centers that offer the tests in both day and evening sessions.

Due to declining dropout rates in the state, fewer people are seeking a certificate, according to Sarah Bennett, the administrator of the High School Equivalency Program at the NH DOE. In 2013, as an example, nearly 2,500 residents took the test. Last year, it was 848.

While the fee is increasing, there are options for those residents without a certificate who may need financial assistance. After a person enrolls in a bureau sponsored adult education program, staffers at those testing centers can evaluate the needs of the students and assist them in accessing aid, Bennett noted. Additionally, some centers have local scholarships provided by private grants, foundations, businesses, and other sources. Some employers may also pay for the cost of the certificate. About 80 percent of school districts in the state will cover the cost of the tests for currently enrolled students.

For more information visit the High School Equivalency Testing Program.