Interpreter Licensing Board
This page provides background on the Interpreter Licensing Board since the law requires that interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing hold a license in order to receive remuneration and to practice as an interpreter in New Hampshire.
The New Hampshire Interpreter Licensure law, RSA 326-I, which became effective January 1, 2003 requires that interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing hold a license in order to receive remuneration and to practice as an interpreter in New Hampshire.
A license is good for three years and shall automatically expire on the first day of September, three years after the date the license was issued by the board. An interpreter who wishes to apply for a license in New Hampshire submits an application provided by the board and pays the application fee. License applications may be obtained by contacting the New Hampshire Board of Licensure of Interpreters for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing, c/o Vocational Rehabilitation, Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 20, Concord, NH 03301 or on this website. The required criteria may be found in the statute RSA 326-I:9,I and in the rules Chapter 300 Int 301.01(k) and (l). Applications are reviewed and approved at regular board meetings. Interpreters working in K-12 settings for deaf or hard of hearing students in instructional or extra curricular activities must obtain certification from the Department of Education. Interpreters working in emergency situations where the parties determine that the delay to obtain a licensed interpreter is likely to cause injury or loss are exempt. Interpreters working for a school district shall not relieve a school district of its obligation to provide licensed interpreters to students, staff, parents or others when required by the Americans with Disabilities Act or by any other federal or state law. The above may be referenced in the statute RSA 326-I:7,IV and in the rules Chapter 300 Int 301.01 (b).
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Licensed interpreters are obligated to obey the professional conduct standards and professional principles as set forth in the rules Chapter 500, Int 501.03 and Int 501.04 respectively.
The Board of Licensure holds statutory jurisdiction to make decisions on applications for licensure and complaints filed against licensees. (See the link above to the ASL video and transcript to learn more about licensure requirements and the complaint process.) A written allegation of professional misconduct against a licensed interpreter should be addressed to the board. A complaint which raises genuine issues of professional misconduct will initiate a formal disciplinary hearing. A prehearing conference can be scheduled if the presiding officer determines that to do so would facilitate the hearing or encourage resolution of the dispute. The above may be referenced in the statute RSA 326-I:4,III and 326-I:14 and 326-I:15 and in the rules Chapter 200 Int 204.01-03 and Int 210.
Nonresident interpreters certified by the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf/National Association of the Deaf (RID/NAD) or the American Consortium of Certified Interpreters (ACCI), levels IV and V, who have completed RID/NAD-approved legal interpreter training or who hold a legal specialty certificate (RID SCL:L) when working in court settings in New Hampshire are not required to be licensed, provided that such interpreter shall be subject to disciplinary procedures of the board.
In special circumstances, a deaf or hard of hearing citizen may apply in advance for a waiver from using a licensed interpreter for that one instance.
Renewal applications are reviewed and approved at the board's August meeting and should be submitted prior to that date.
Applications are available from the Program for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Vocational Rehabilitation
21 South Fruit Street, Suite 20
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-1483 TTY, 603-271-3471 Voice/TTY, Fax 603-271-7095
Board Meetings
The Board meets from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at:
The Walker Building
21 South Fruit Street, Room 100
Concord, NH
Regular 2025 Schedule
- February 11th
- February 18th **snow date**
- April 8th
- June 10th
- August 12th
- October 14th
- December 9th
- December 16th **snow date**
Licensure Board Members
- Nicole Comtois, (Chair) NH Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf representative
- Grace Warwick, NH Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf representative
- VACANT, NH Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf representative
- Patricia Stuart, NH Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf representative
- Amber G. Epison, NH Association of the Deaf representative
- Susan Wolf-Downes, NH Association of the Deaf representative
- Kristy Stellato, NH Association of the Deaf representative
- Andrea Kaneb, Oral Interpreting community representative
- Peter Simoneau, Hearing community representative