Bureau of Assessment and Accountability

The Bureau is responsible for assessing and evaluating educational performance at the school, district, and state level. The Bureau works to develop, implement, and evaluate assessment tools and the related accountability systems, relying on a wide variety of academic and environmental indicators. The Bureau works closely with schools, districts, policymakers, and other state agencies to provide guidance and support in implementing assessments, evaluating data, and making informed decisions.

Office of Assessment

The Office of Assessment develops, implements, and evaluates assessment systems for a wide variety of purposes as required by state and federal law. Assessments include the NH SAS, SAT, DLM, and ACCESS. The Office of Assessment also provides support and technical assistance to schools, districts, and policymakers in understanding assessment data, research, and analysis.


Office of State and Federal Accountability

The Office of State and Federal Accountability develops, implements, and evaluates accountability systems and measures as required by federal law and state statutes. This includes the implementation of the accountability measures in the state ESSA plan, the identification of CSI/TSI/ATSI schools, the state Input-Based Accountability System (IBAS) and the state Performance-Based Accountability System (PBAS). The Office also provides direct technical support and assistance to schools, districts, and policymakers in understanding and interpreting accountability systems and measures in the state.


Bureau Communications

Call for public comment. The request for a Tydings waiver to continue to obligate FY21 Title I B funds beyond September 30th, 2023, has been posted for public comment. All public comment should be sent to assessment@doe.nh.gov no later than Thursday, August 31st, 2023.