Professional Development

The key to a successful Student Wellness program is continual learning and training. Below please find a calendar of upcoming trainings, events, and professional development opportunities that are either directly sponsored by the Bureau of Student Wellness or are hosted by another organization that is connected with our work in some way.

Everyone is an Asset Builder

The Bureau of Student Wellness is pleased to offer Everyone is an Asset Builder. This training is designed to inform participants about the Developmental Assets framework created by the Search Institute and how it can be used to build supportive communities. The framework identifies a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. This training will identify the easy steps that anyone who interacts with children and youth can take to be effective asset builders.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.

The Bureau of Student Wellness is committed to:

  • Developing a core group of individuals certified as trainers in YMHFA
  • Providing free YMHFA trainings to communities across NH

Conversations on Culture and Diversity

Join us for a facilitated conversation on culture and diversity in the Granite State. Participants will begin to explore the concepts of culture and diversity as they relate to their own personal beliefs and values and how those concepts influence their practices in education, health, and/or behavioral health.

In this session, participants will learn to: define "diversity" and "culture" and explain the similarities and differences between these two concepts, and how to relate to their work; identify their own cultural attitudes toward communication, time, health, authority, and work habits; describe how personal cultural attitudes impact their daily interactions; identify behaviors that indicate a lack of cultural competence and those that indicate skill in cultural competence; and explain the importance of cultural competence in education, health, and/or behavioral health.

KNOW & TELL Mandated Reporter Training

The Bureau of Student Wellness is proud to partner with the Granite State Children’s Alliance, the Chapter Organization for NH Child Advocacy Centers, to support this critically important effort. KNOW & TELL is a public responsibility movement to educate all NH adults to KNOW the signs of abuse and TELL responsible authorities when they recognize them.

During this 2-hour, interactive training, an expert trainer will support you to:

  • KNOW the signs of child abuse
  • LIMIT the barriers to reporting child abuse
  • RESPOND to disclosure/outcry of abuse
  • TELL in response to mandated reporting laws and policies
  • PARTNER with your local Child Advocacy Center

School Safety Training Series

There are few responsibilities as important to educators as maintaining the safety and security of students. The Office of Student Wellness has joined forces with the Bureau of School Safety and Facility Management and NH Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM), School Readiness Program to bring you the School Safety Training Series.

NH Emergency Preparedness Conference

  • The NH Emergency Preparedness Conference is an annual event that brings together emergency responders from across our state to explore a wide spectrum of emergency management topics using an all-hazards approach.

    The goal of the NH Emergency Preparedness Conference is to offer a program that provides NH’s emergency planners and responders with the opportunity to learn new ideas and practices to meet emergency preparedness challenges,

  • hear lessons learned from previous planning, response, mitigation, and recovery efforts; and
  • connect with key individuals and organizations across the emergency preparedness spectrum.

Threat Assessment Training

Threat Assessment Training (TAT) with the REMS TA Center. The TAT reviews troubling or threatening behavior of current or former students, parents, school employees or other persons brought to its attention. The TAT contemplates a holistic assessment and management strategy that considers the many aspects of the person's life—academic, residential, work, and social. The TAT takes into consideration, as appropriate, information about classroom behaviors, various kinds of communications, not-yet substantiated information, any threats made, security concerns, parenting issues, or relationship problems that might involve a troubled individual. The TAT may also identify any potential victims with whom the individual may interact. Once the TAT identifies an individual that may pose a threat, the team will identify a course of action for addressing the situation. This training is most appropriate for Superintendents, School Administrators, and staff involved in emergency operations planning.


Check out related workshops through UNH Professional Development & Training: