Emergency Funding for Schools

To provide emergency assistance to help K-12 educational entities prevent, prepare for and respond to impacts of COVID-19.

The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) seeks public input on the following:

NHED seeks approval from the U.S. Department of Education to waive pursuant to Section 8401 of the ESEA of 1965, the period of availability of consolidated administrative funds in Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act to extend the period of availability for ARP administrative funds and fiscal year (FY) 2022 ESEA program administrative funds consolidated under ESEA section 8201 to March 31, 2026.

This would include the following 2022 programs:

  • ARP – HCY
  • Title I, Part A
  • Title I, Part C
  • Title I, Part D, Subpart 1
  • Title II, Part A
  •  Title III, Part A
  • Title IV, Part A
  • Title IV, Part B
  • Title V, Part B, Subpart 2

This will allow the department to continue to advance student academic achievement by addressing the ongoing administrative costs and avoid diverting funds from other critical services for local education agencies, schools, students, teacher and other educational staff. The department will also be able to focus efforts on supporting the academic needs of populations most in need in our state including our students experiencing homelessness, students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, our English language learning students, our special education students and students impacted by the pandemic.

The department will utilize the funds to meet the requirements and objectives respective to each program in accordance with the provisions of all applicable statutes, regulations, program plans, and applications not subject to these waivers.

Please submit comments or questions to esser@doe.nh.gov by October 1, 2024. These comments will be included in the submission to the U.S. Department of Education.