Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program
The McKinney-Vento Act, Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (EHCY) is designed to address the challenges that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school.

Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness: An Introduction to the Issues
Webinar Presentations
- McKinney-Vento Unaccompanied Youth
- McKinney-Vento and Special Education
- McKinney-Vento ARP and Transportation
American Rescue Plan (ARP) Homeless Funds
- ARP Homeless II Funding
- ARP Guidance
- ARP Homeless Competitive Grant
- ARP Overview and Rubric
- ARP Homeless Fund Competitive Sub-Grant Application
- ARP Homeless Fund, Application Guidelines and Rubric
- American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief – Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY)
- NH ARP Homeless Plan
Resources for School Professionals and Homeless Liaisons
These resources are meant to assist school professionals and homeless liaisons to better understand their duties and obligations under the law, and to provide strategies on addressing issues related to homeless students.
- Access to Food for Homeless and Highly Mobile Students
- Determining Eligibility for McKinney-Vento Rights and Services
- Enrolling Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness in School
- Ensuring Full Participation in Extracurricular Activities for Students Experiencing Homelessness
- Extracurricular Activities and Transportation for Students Experiencing Homelessness
- In School Every Day: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism among Students Experiencing Homelessness
- Local Homeless Education Liaison Toolkit
- McKinney-Vento Complete Toolbox
- New Hampshire Consolidated State Education Plan Section: Education for Homeless Children & Youth Program, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Title Vll, Subtitle B.
- Serving Students Experiencing Homelessness under Title I, Part A
- Special Education and Highly Mobile Children and Youth
- Supporting the Education of Immigrant Students Experiencing Homelessness
- Supporting Homeless Children and Youth with Disabilities: Legislative Provisions in the McKinney-Vento Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Supporting the Education of Unaccompanied Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- Transporting Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Resources for Homeless/In Transition Youth and Parents
These are informational resources meant for both youth and parents that are in transition that would like to gather more information about the rights and services students are entitled to and how schools can help.
Guidance and Q+A Resources
These resources deal specifically with the McKinney-Vento Act, the federal law that establishes the rights and entitlements of homeless youth. School professionals, and in particular homeless liaisons, will find this information critical to performing their duties to full capacity.
- SchoolHouse Connection Common Questions
- SchoolHouse Connection Q+A from the Mailbox (searchable)
- Most Frequently Asked Questions
- US Department of Education, Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Guidance 2016
Dispute Resolution Protocols
Online Resources to Help Meet the Educational Needs of Homeless Children, Youth, and Families
- Hear Us
- Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness (ICPH)
- National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
- National Center for Homeless Education
- National Center for Homeless Education Resources
- National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
- New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness
- SchoolHouse Connection
Videos for Raising Awareness, Training, and Professional Development
- “What Does Homeless Look Like” (2017) A look at homelessness in New Hampshire through the eyes of children, parents, and youth
- "Hear Us. Giving Voice and Visibility to Homeless Children and Youth" Award winning videos, resources and and training materials
- National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE). Self-Paced Online Training. Includes recorded NCHE webinars, print Resources, and PowerPoint Presentations.
Data: Homeless Children and Youth
- 2023-2024
- 2022-2023 Number of Children and Youth Reported by NH School Districts
- 2021-2022 Number of Children and Youth Reported by NH School Districts
- 2020-2021 Number of Children and Youth Reported by NH School Districts
- 2019-2020 Number of Children and Youth Reported by NH School Districts
- 2018-2019 Number of Children and Youth Reported by NH School Districts
- 2016-2017 Number of Homeless Children and Youth Reported by NH School District
- 2016-2017 Graph of Temporary Living Situations of Homeless Children and Youth and Homeless Unaccompanied Youth
- Youth Risk Behavior Surve (YRBS)
Homeless Liaison Contact List 2024-25
The homeless liaison contact list contains the names and contact information of every homeless liaison in the state of New Hampshire.
Education for Homeless Children and Youth Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Act Competitive Sub Grant
- McKinney Vento Competitive Application 2022-2025
- Information about McKinney Vento 2022-2025
- Examples of Allowable Uses for McKinney-Vento and/or Title I, Part A Funds
Christina Dotson
(603) 271-3840