Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program

The McKinney-Vento Act, Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (EHCY) is designed to address the challenges that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school.



This photo of 3,913 pencils represents the number of homeless students reported by New Hampshire schools during the 2016-2017 school year. During the 2017-2018 school year, there were 4,043 homeless students in the state. 

Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness: An Introduction to the Issues

Webinar Presentations

American Rescue Plan (ARP) Homeless Funds

Resources for School Professionals and Homeless Liaisons

These resources are meant to assist school professionals and homeless liaisons to better understand their duties and obligations under the law, and to provide strategies on addressing issues related to homeless students.

Resources for Homeless/In Transition Youth and Parents

These are informational resources meant for both youth and parents that are in transition that would like to gather more information about the rights and services students are entitled to and how schools can help.

Guidance and Q+A Resources 

These resources deal specifically with the McKinney-Vento Act, the federal law that establishes the rights and entitlements of homeless youth. School professionals, and in particular homeless liaisons, will find this information critical to performing their duties to full capacity. 

Dispute Resolution Protocols

Online Resources to Help Meet the Educational Needs of Homeless Children, Youth, and Families

Videos for Raising Awareness, Training, and Professional Development

Data: Homeless Children and Youth

Homeless Liaison Contact List 2024-25

The homeless liaison contact list contains the names and contact information of every homeless liaison in the state of New Hampshire. 

Education for Homeless Children and Youth Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Act Competitive Sub Grant


Christina Dotson

(603) 271-3840