Bureau of Educational Opportunities

The Bureau of Educational Opportunities provides oversight of school approval for the state of New Hampshire. There are three offices under the Bureau of Educational Opportunities; the Office of Charter Schools, the Office of Non-Public Schools, and the Office of School Approval. Additionally, the Office of School Approval provides oversight of the state and federal accountability systems under state statute and the federal ESEA law, including New Hampshire’s use of the iReport system.

Office of Charter Schools

Charter schools are public and tuition-free schools authorized by the New Hampshire State Board of Education.

Charter schools provide a choice for parents and students seeking an option to traditional public schools. The focus of each public charter school is unique and based on the educational needs and interests of a particular community.

Office of Nonpublic Schools

This office oversees the implementation of the NH Code of Administrative Rules Chapter Ed 400, Approval of Nonpublic Schools. Additionally we provide technical assistance to nonpublic schools and information to the public regarding nonpublic schools in New Hampshire and related New Hampshire laws (RSAs).

Office of School Approval

This office oversees the implementation of NH Administrative Rule ED 306, Minimum Standards for Public School Approval. Additionally, we provide technical assistance to public school staff and information to the public regarding the minimum standards and related New Hampshire laws (RSAs).

Office of Public School Innovation

This office oversees the implementation of the NH Code of Administrative Rules Chapter Ed 1500, Innovation Schools. Innovation Schools refer to a school in which a local school board opts to implement an innovation plan pursuant to RSA 194-E. Upon the designation of an innovation school or school zone, the State Board of Education may then waive compliance with a certain administrative rule specified in the local district plan, with the exception of any requirement of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.

Learn Everywhere

The Learn Everywhere program allows providers approved by the New Hampshire State Board of Education to issue credit certificates that can be exchanged, or “redeemed”, for credit in any New Hampshire public school, traditional or charter. Schools are required to accept these credit certificates and issue the student high school credit in the specified subject area, reflecting the successful completion of the learning opportunity by the student as determined by the Learn Everywhere provider.  Learn Everywhere is designed to build on existing New Hampshire educational philosophy, law, and rule. At its most basic level, it is simply seeing and understanding our existing public education system and the learning that engages students, from another perspective.

NH Career Academy

An innovative partnership between the New Hampshire Department of Education and Community College System of New Hampshire, giving students a chance to earn a high school diploma, an Associate's Degree, a professional certification, and a job interview at no cost to the family and no additional cost to taxpayers.