COVID-19 (coronavirus) Resources for Schools

In making decisions about steps you can take to protect the health of our school communities, we have many resources available both through the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services. DHHS can be reached 24/7 at (603) 271-4496.

Disclaimer: Please refer to COVID-19 New Hampshire for the most updated guidance on COVID-19 recommendations. Please note that some documents contained on this page and the links therein are for historical reference only and may not be the most current guidance.

Conference Calls with School Leaders

Resources for School Reopening and Redesign

  1. Develop District Management and Communications Plans

  2. Follow Guidance from New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Services

  3. Prepare the Physical School Environment

  4. Support Student, Family, and Educator Wellness 

  5. Integrate Hybrid Capacity Learning Environment

  6. Consider Technology for Dynamic Learning Environment

  7. Review Transportation Policies and Protocols

  8. Plan for School Meals

  9. Plan for Dynamic Instruction

    • Resources for Remote Instruction. New Hampshire Learns Remotely website, New Hampshire Department of Education. 
    • Interims and Modulars will be available starting September 22.
    • Released Testlets for At-Home Instruction. Dynamic Learning Maps.
      • Testlets are available for districts that are interested in utilizing an assessment tool for students with an IEP that have severe cognitive disabilities. A remote option is available. DLM also has an amazing amount of instructional resources for remote instruction for teachers and for students.
    • ACCESS. New Hampshire Department of Education.
      • The majority of English learning students in New Hampshire were able to participate in the ACCESS test in Spring 2020. For the students that were not able to complete the assessment, and we anticipate they may be able to exit ELL status, an opportunity to complete the ACCESS will be available in Fall 2020. Please contact Wendy Perron, EL Education Consultant at for more information. 
    • Screening. New Hampshire Department of Education. 
      • A temporary remote screening option will be available for districts needing to screen students to determine EL eligibility status. Please contact Wendy Perron, EL Education Consultant at for more information.
    • ESOL. English Speakers of Other Languages. New Hampshire Department of Education. 
    • Fall SAT School Day. New Hampshire Department of Education.
    • How to Zoom Safely - Tips for using Zoom in Remote Learning- CAST
  10. Professional Development Considerations

50 State Reopening Guidance and Resources

NH School Reopening Plans

CARES Act and ESSER funding

Guidance Documents and Resources

Cleaning Supplies through State Contract

Municipal subdivisions, such as local school districts, may purchase supplies through existing state contracts. You may need to set up a new account, and vendors may be backed up on certain items. For the time being, these orders would be at your expense, but at the prices set by the state's contract. The State of New Hampshire is setting up a fund to help schools pay for deep cleaning, so keep track of any expenses you incur.