ESOL K-12- English for Speakers of Other Languages

Support for students who speak other languages.

EL & Title III Program Newsletters

English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards and Assessments

New Hampshire uses the WIDA ELP standards and assessments and has approved the following WIDA screening tools for initial ELP identification.

All NH students identified as English learners must be assessed annually using the WIDA ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS test. Please visit our WIDA state specific page for more information.

  • ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELLs

    Federal law requires that English learner (EL) students be assessed annually to measure English language proficiency (ELP) in reading, writing, speaking and listening. ACCESS for ELLs is New Hampshire’s approved ELP assessment administered to EL students in Kindergarten through Grade 12.

    For English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities, the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, is the state adopted alternate English language proficiency (ELP) assessment. Students who have an IEP that requires administration of the DLM for the general assessment should take the Alternate ACCESS test.

New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System

All English Language Learner students are required to participate in the statewide assessment system for their grade. Please refer to the NHDOE Assessment Policy and Procedures Manual for more details.

A team of educators, which includes the school’s NH Certified ESOL teacher, must determine the accommodations for English Learners. Evidence of this decision making process must be maintained by the school and made available during assessment monitoring. An EL student’s level of English proficiency must be considered when determining accommodations for statewide assessments. Please refer to the New Hampshire Statewide Assessments - Documentation of Accommodations for ELs.

ESOL Program Resources

Required Forms

Please visit Canvas to access the following required forms:

  • Home Language Survey
  • Determination of Eligibility and Ineligibility
  • Annual Notice

EL Data Maintenance in i4see, ESOL Database

If you are interested in additional funding for servicing your English Language Learning students, please see Title III for more information.

Professional Learning: Current & Ongoing Opportunities

State EL Advisory Committee (SELAC)


Janna Jobel, EL Education Consultant

603-568-8813 (cell)