Dimensions of Student Wellness
Student wellness is the recognition by schools, districts, and educational professionals that there are many factors that impact a student’s academic attainment. It is an approach that focuses on supporting the whole child. The dimensions of wellness include: Emotional, Personal, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Occupational, and Social factors. Decisions about Student Wellness programs are made within local school districts. The role of the Office of Student Wellness is to support those districts implementing such programs with evidence based, technical assistance.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness is a person's ability to cope effectively with life and create satisfying relationships. When a student is Emotionally Well they have a positive attitude, high self esteem, a strong sense of self, and the ability to recognize and share a wide range of feelings to others in a constructive way.
Why Emotional Wellness Matters:
- When a person is emotionally well they exhibit:
- A positive attitude and optimistic outlook toward life
- High self-esteem and self-respect
- A balance between emotional states
- Ability to recognize and cope with normal life changes
- Ability to participate in positive inter-personal relationships
Creating a System of Care
In June 2016, Governor Sununu signed into law a bill that called for a top-to-bottom review of what behavioral health services are available to kids in NH, how they’re delivered (in schools, in the community and elsewhere), and how to make sure separate agencies are working together to get kids the care they need.
Central to the success of that law, we are working closely with the Department of Health and Human Services to develop "a delivery system of behavioral health services across the lifespan of children, youth, and adults with behavioral health needs."" Below please find the annual reports of our progress:
Supporting Emotional Wellness in Schools
- Issue Brief: Mental Health and Academic Achievement
- Learn more about Resilience
- Resilience Key Terms and Concepts
- Resilience References
- Bullying and Cyber Bullying
Supporting Emotional Wellness in Educators
Social Wellness
Social Wellness is a person's ability to develop a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system.
Why Social Wellness Matters
- When a person is socially well they exhibit:
- Assertiveness
- Balance between social and personal time
- Self-confidence
- Ability to participate in positive inter-personal relationships
- Ability to work in a team
Schools may choose to utilize a Social Emotional Learning Curricula.
Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness is a person's ability to learn and model healthy practices and routines.
Why Physical Wellness Matters
- When a person is physically well they exhibit:
- Attentiveness and alertness
- Positive interpersonal relationships
- Increased attendance
Supporting Physical Wellness in Schools
- Learn more about School Nursing
- Learn more about Nutrition
Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual Wellness is a person's ability to recognize their creative abilities and find ways to expand knowledge and skills.
Why Intellectual Wellness Matters
- When a person is intellectually well they exhibit:Good study skills and time management
- Ability to challenge themselves to consider divergent viewpoints
- Critical thinking skills
- Confidence in their own ideas, views, and opinions
- Ability to communicate clearly
- Creativity in problem solving
Supporting Intellectual Wellness in Schools
- Learn more about Universal Design for Learning
Supporting Intellectual Wellness in Educators
- Learn more about upcoming professional development opportunities
Personal Wellness
Personal Wellness is a person's ability to create a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
Why Personal Wellness Matters
- When a person is personally well they exhibit:A well developed sense of purpose
- Ability to be reflective
- A sense of right and wrong
- Ability to explain beliefs
- Empathy
Environmental Wellness
Environmental Wellness is a school's ability to promote safe and supportive environments in the home, school, and community that encourage wellbeing.
Why Environmental Wellness Matters
- When a school is environmentally well it exhibits:Shared norms, values, and expectations
- A culture of respect
- Positive relationships between students, families, and educators
- Shared commitment to the operations of the school and the care of the physical environment
Supporting Environmental Wellness in Schools
- Learn more about improving school discipline
- Bureau of School Safety and Facility Management
- School Safety Preparedness Task Force Report
Occupational Wellness
Occupational Wellness is a person's ability to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment from one's work.
Why Occupational Wellness Matters
- When a person is occupationally well they exhibit:Enjoyment and fulfillment from work
- Balance between work and life
- Understanding of personal learning style
- Ability to work independently and with others