Dynamic Learning Maps
Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) Alternate Assessment supports student learning and measures what students with the most significant cognitive disabilities know and can do in the content areas of English language arts, mathematics and science.
What grade levels are assessed for the DLM alternate assessment?
- Students in grades 3-8 and 11 are assessed in English language arts and mathematics
- Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 are assessed in science
Eligibility Criteria for the Alternate Assessment
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) teams have the responsibility of making instructional and assessment decisions for each student with a disability. The alternate assessment is intended only for those students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. To determine if a special needs student meets the participation criteria for the alternate assessment, the student's IEP team reviews and completes the Alternate Assessment Decision Making Worksheet.
The DLM Accessibility Manual provides guidance to IEP teams in selecting supports.This worksheet is reviewed annually and filed with the student's IEP. Evidence of this decision-making process must be maintained by the school and made available during assessment monitoring.
- DLM-New Hampshire webpage - Educators can access user guides, manuals, training videos
- Kite Educator Portal is a secure website where educators and administrators manage student data and view data extracts
- Subscribe to DLM test updates
District and Building Coordinators Resources
- Assessment Coordinator Manual
- Data Management Manual
- District Justification Form: Exceeding 1% Cap on Participation in the Alternate Assessment
- District Staff: DLM Resource Videos
- Student Registration Process for the DLM Alternate Assessment
Educator Resources
- Educators: DLM Resource Videos
- Getting Started with Kite Educator Portal
- Technology Preparation
- Student Eligibility for the Alternate Assessment
- How to Complete the First Contact Survey and Personal Needs & Preferences Profile
- How to Retrieve Test Tickets and Test Information Pages
- Tips for a Successful Test Administration
- DLM Professional Development - provides additional instructional resources, text supports
Parent Resources
- DLM Assessment Parent Letter Template
- Examples of DLM testlets
- Talking to Parents about DLM Score Reports
High Expectations for Student Success Video
The High Expectations for Student Success video is available on the homepage of the Dynamic Learning Maps® website. This video outlines four keys to academic success for students with significant cognitive disabilities and also highlights the importance of planning for postsecondary opportunities for students taking the DLM alternate assessment.
Related Resources
- Parent Resource: A Future of Opportunity
- Postsecondary Opportunities Study
- Research Synopsis
New Hampshire Statutes, State Laws and Federal Regulations
- New Hampshire Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities, Ed 1100
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA): Alternate Assessments for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (see Section 1111(b)(2)(D), page 27)
- Additional laws and rules governing special education in NH
1% Cap on Participation in the Alternate Assessment
No more than 1% of students may participate in the alternate assessment in the grades assessed for each content area. This ESSA requirement took effect starting with the 2017-2018 school year. States exceeding 1% may request a waiver to the United States Department of Education. As part of the waiver request, states must demonstrate at least 95% of all students and 95% of all students with disabilities participated in the required statewide assessments.
- Strategies for Meeting the 1% State-Level Cap on Participation in the Alternate Assessment. Thurlow, M., & Lazarus, S. (2017, April). Strategies for meeting the 1% state-level cap on participation in the alternate assessment (NCEO Brief #12). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes.
- District Justification Form: Exceeding 1% Cap on Participation in the Alternate Assessment