Title I, Part A

Formula grants to school districts through Title I, Part A provide opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills to meet the State proficiency standards.

This purpose is accomplished in two ways: (1) by providing children supplemental support through enriched and accelerated education programs; and (2) by providing instructional personnel in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development.

Title I, Part A Allocations

Title I, Part A Resources

Title I, Part A - LEA Plans 

Title I, Part A - Equitable Services

Title I, Part A - Comparability Reporting

Title I, Part A- Waivers


Title I, Part A Contact: Christina Dotson, 603-271-3840, or Christina.L.Dotson@doe.nh.gov
Title I, Part A Contact: Melinda Pfaff, 603-271-3610, or Melinda.M.Pfaff@doe.nh.gov
Title I, Part A Contact: Kristine Braman, 603-271-6055, or Kristine.M.Braman@doe.nh.gov